Portrait of Garrett McCabe
Well, Hello There.
I'm Garrett McCabe a born and bred New Yorker, currently residing on Long Island after a few years of exploring the east coast.
I have a passion for creativity, the outdoors, and combining the two with my love for photography. Being able to tell stories and capture moments with my camera brings much joy and meaning to my life. I am also an advocate for art and its ability to heal. Having an outlet to express emotion in a positive way is vital for oneself, especially when it helps others.
I started my journey shooting film and developing in a darkroom, processing black & white as a hobby. Shortly after, I began a career in graphic arts and marketing and recently have combined photography with my career. Today, I help people develop ideas and make their dreams into reality through creative photography and digital marketing.
I am beyond excited for what the future holds for me and this timeless art. Watching myself and others grow and learn together in such a great community is a beautiful thing. Be brave in your creativity and keep creating for yourself and each other.
I hope you enjoy exploring my site. Feel free to reach out; I would love to hear from you.
Garrett McCabe in Iceland
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